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REGWRITER ALERT: OIRA Memorandum: Implementation of EO 13422 (amending EO 12866) and OMB Bulletin

May 23, 2007

RegulationWriter Alert - May 7, 2007
On April 25, 2007, OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) issued a memorandum on "Implementation of Executive Order 13422 (amending Executive Order 12866) and the OMB Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices."The memorandum is written in Question and Answer format using questions raised by agencies following the January 18, 2007, issuance of Executive Order 13422 and the OMB's Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices. This RegulationWriter Alert provides links to the OIRA Memorandum, Executive Order 12866, as amended, and OMB's Good Guidance Practices Bulletin.
In This Issue
OIRA Memorandum on the implementation of OMB's Good Guidance Practices Bulletin and E.O. 13422
Executive Order 12866, as amended
Good Guidance Practices Bulletin
Quick Links
OIRA Memorandum Implementation of Executive Order 13422 and OMB's Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices
"The principal change made by EO 13422 is that it amends EO 12866 to establish a process that will provide an opportunity for interagency coordination and review of significant guidance documents prior to their issuance. EO 13422 also amends EO 12866 in several other ways. To ensure appropriate accountability, the EO modifies the procedures for an agency's adoption of its annual Regulatory Plan and requires that an agency's Regulatory Policy Officer be a Presidential appointee. The EO also updates the Principles of Regulation in EO 12866 to reflect the guidance-coordination provisions that are added by EO 13422 as well as pre-existing OMB guidance. Finally, the EO invites agencies to consider whether they would want to rely on formal rulemaking procedures for resolving complex determinations."
Executive Order 12866, as amended
This document shows the changes made to E.O. 12866 by E.O. 13258 and E.O. 13422 in track changes.
Final Good Guidance Practices Bulletin
OMB issued this Bulletin on January 18, 2007, and published it in the Federal Register (72 FR 3432) on January 25, 2007.  The effective date is July 24, 2007.
We hope you find this RegulationWriter Alert helpful.  If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us.
The Regulatory Group, Inc.